Hungry Like a Wolf Read online

Page 22

  A throb started at the base of her skull. Her vision seemed tinged with purple as she lowered her head. She tried to deny it. Accepting the faint purple aura meant she had to admit that that had been a real witch threatening her, not just a figment of her drugged subconscious.

  Evangeline rubbed her eyes, then probed gently at the back of her head.


  “Are you okay?”

  His mate glared up at him. “What? Oh. Yeah. Just a headache. Probably from the knock-out drugs you slipped me with dinner. I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure?”

  “Trust me, I’m used to it. I’ve been getting headaches since this accident I was in. Don’t worry about it.”

  He refused to feel guilty for doing what he had felt like he had to, even if her casual mention of the accident that ripped her from him cut deep. When the bond was cemented, his claim secure, he’d make it up to Evangeline—all of it. For the rest of their lives, he’d treat her like the queen she was. They just had to survive this bumpy patch together.

  Maddox thought about offering her some more aspirin, realized that she’d totally cut off her nose to spite her face again—or, in this case, let her head throb just to stick it to him.

  He gentled his growl, careful not to aggravate her headache. They had to have this discussion. Maybe that made him an even bigger bastard, taking advantage of her pain, using it as a distraction to move closer to her, but Maddox was okay with it.

  He’d make it up to her. He promised.

  Edging toward the foot of the bed, he asked softly, “What do you know about shifters’ mates?”

  “You only get one,” she mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze. She continued to rub her head. “But that doesn’t mean—”

  “It’s you,” Maddox said.

  He couldn’t keep the distance between them any longer. Daring to sit on the edge of the bed now, he went slowly, trying not to spook her. He reached for her hand, not surprised when she pulled away before he got too close. There was a spark whenever their skin touched, the bond attempting to re-ignite. He kept going all in but Evangeline was still denying him—and that hurt.

  Almost as much as the determined way she said, “It can’t be.”

  “I know you think I’m a crazy paranormal bastard, but I’ve spent my whole life searching for my mate. It’s you, Angie. It’s always been you. And I can prove it.”

  She leaned away from him, the air shifting as her scent changed. Maddox sniffed. He could’ve sworn that he caught a hint of something sweet, something unnatural before. Now, her warm vanilla scent soothed his soul, and he breathed deep, picking up on the emotional notes coloring her scent.

  He didn’t smell any fear coming off of her so that was a good sign. It was more like… sadness. Sadness mingled with regret, with a hint of confusion thrown into the mix. Maddox gazed earnestly at her face, at the way her thick waterfall of long, dark hair fell forward like a curtain. Slowly, because his mate was acting so uncharacteristically skittish, he raised his large hand and pushed a lock of hair behind her delicate ear.

  His mouth opened slightly in surprise. There were tears in her eyes, a touch of salt stinging his senses. Evangeline lifted her hand up and roughly wiped at her face before turning away from him again.

  Without another word, she slid across the sheets, perching her long, lean body on the edge of the bed. She turned her back on him.

  Maddox was stunned.

  He could deal with her anger. Her fire. Her spirit. He hated the idea that she would run from him, but even her escape last night had been expected. He’d hoped for recognition when she realized he’d moved her from the cabin to their home in Wolf’s Creek. He didn’t get that, but he was okay with confusion. She was working through it.

  He thought he was making strides.

  But this overarching sadness? When Evangeline was so distraught, she couldn’t even think of a way to fight back again?


  He really had broken his mate, hadn’t he?

  Maddox longed to wrap her up in his arms, hold her close, whisper that he loved her and that, if he could, he’d wait forever for her to come back to him on her own.

  But they didn’t have the time. As Colt so kindly—okay, maybe not so kindly—reminded him when they talked after he settled Evangeline in the bedroom, Maddox had started the clock. He was a fool if he thought that no one would think to check Wolf’s Creek for him and Evangeline.

  The move in the middle of the night had been a calculated risk. He was determined to make her see that they belonged together. In his haste, Maddox had fucked up any goodwill he had earned when Evangeline let him feed her dinner. He’d be lucky if she ever accepted anything from his hand ever again.

  Still, he had to try. He’d come so far already… there was no other choice.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “I’m not your sweetheart,” she retorted. No heat, though, only a deep resignation that made his wolf sit up and howl a sad, lonely song. “And I’m not your mate. When are you going to give up on this and let me go? You’ve got to know that your true mate’s out there waiting for you. Stop wasting your time with me when I’m nothing but a mistake.”

  There was venom in the way she spit out the last word. Maddox didn’t understand it, and decided not to question it. There was a reason he started this conversation and, fuck it, he was going to make sure she knew.

  Time was running out. He told her he had proof.

  He had to show her.

  “You’re no mistake, Angie.”

  “Stop. Just stop—”

  He couldn’t. “Shifters know their mates at first sight. At first sniff. But it’s not as simple as that. I didn’t take a whiff and say, ‘yeah, she’s the one’ just because you smelled good. It’s a little more... obvious than that. I knew it was you because, for the first time in my life, my body was ready to take a mate. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  Evangeline hesitated, as if she was about to tell him to stop again, then she surprised him. Instead of arguing, she simply shook her head.

  It was as close to a go sign as he was going to get.

  “I knew you were my mate because you were the only one that could ever do this to me.” Maddox moved quickly. Before she could react, he took her hand gently and hovered it over the bulge in his jeans. He waited for her to struggle, to yank her hand back. When she didn’t, he placed her palm against his aching hard-on. “I can only mate with my mate. And that’s you, Angie. So no fucking mistake, alright?”

  Evangeline stiffened. Once she got a feel of how hot and hard he was, Maddox expected her to pull away—but, to his shock, she didn’t. After a few seconds when he held his breath, she pressed her palm down against his cock, applying enough pressure that he wanted to grunt and groan.

  Questing fingers stroked lightly against the denim as she explored his length. Afraid he might spook her—terrified he might be dreaming—Maddox bit back another groan. A few soft touches from his mate’s hand and he was about to start coming in his jeans like a schoolboy.

  “Oh, wow,” she breathed out, her voice gone husky. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”

  He knew that voice. Whenever she was ready to go to bed, her eyelids became heavy and she started to sound like she smoked a pack a day.

  She should definitely be doing this, Maddox thought. He leaned into her hand, the most he allowed himself to do in case he scared her into stopping. This was more than he could have hoped for and, after all these years without her, it took everything he had to hang onto his control.

  Before he lost it entirely, he flared his nostrils. If he scented any type of worry or fear, he would stop himself. He would follow her lead every step of the way, just like he had before.

  When the intoxicating musk of Evangeline’s arousal filled his senses, he gave a sudden jerk. He couldn’t keep his moan back.

  Evangeline went still, her fingers resting lightly against his erection. “I’m sorry. I’
ve never— am I doing this right?”

  Through the haze of overwhelming sensation, it got through to Maddox that Evangeline sounded like an uncertain virgin with the practiced touch of his wife. Her hands knew what she was doing even if her mind didn’t.

  She still didn’t remember, didn’t know that he was her husband and her mate. He should be frustrated, and he definitely was, but that wasn’t all. In an instant, when her meaning sunk in, Maddox was so fucking happy, it felt like his heart was about to leap out of his chest.

  She hadn’t been with anyone else since him. She hadn’t even been with that Adam fucker.

  Not that it would have mattered. Just like when she admitted to him during their courtship that he’d be her first, Maddox knew he didn’t have any control over what—or who—Evangeline did when she wasn’t bonded to him. But, hell, it was great to hear that they were still each other’s one and only.

  It was a reminder that fate had gotten this right. This woman was meant for him, just like he belonged to her. Deep down, Evangeline must know that. Her body did. Maybe her heart did, too. He just needed to get her head on board.


  For now, he had his mate’s hand on his cock and that required all of his attention.

  Maddox let out a deep-throated moan. “Ung, Angie, sweetheart, nothing has ever felt so good before.”

  The tip of her tongue peeked through her lips as she added a little more pressure. Just the way he liked it.

  She didn’t remember him. But, he realized with more hope than he’d had since he first poured the sedatives into Evangeline’s coffee, that didn’t mean she’d forgotten him. It was a small distinction.

  Maddox would take it.

  And that’s when his ears caught the sound of gravel crunching underneath a set of tires. An engine died. A few seconds later, a car door opened. Maddox reached with his senses, closing his eyes to catch the heavy footfalls of a pair of boots heading up his walkway.

  He took a deep breath and scowled. “Damn it!”

  Evangeline was a human. She had no idea that someone was approaching the house and figured Maddox’s sudden mood swing had something to do with her exploration.

  She yanked her hand back, embarrassment turning her cheeks pink. “I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Maddox said hurriedly. He felt the loss of her hand all the way to his soul. His poor balls wanted to fall right off. But that wasn’t his Angie’s fault, and he tried like hell to show her that he meant that. “We’ve got company.”

  Human company, he knew.

  Male human company, his wolf supplied.

  The beast was already baring its teeth in warning. It had its mate in their bedroom and another man was closing in on Maddox’s territory. His wolf was eager to defend what was theirs.

  The man tried to think rationally because there was only one logical reason why a male Ant had breached his boundaries. It had to be the cops, coming to ask him about Evangeline.


  He knew time would be short, but he’d expected more than this.

  Maddox had tried to be careful. He waited until the middle of the night to drive Evangeline over. He hadn’t sensed anyone around when they arrived and it only took him less than a minute to carry her inside. He hid Colt’s truck in the garage. He refused to turn on any of the lights, relying on his wolf’s superior night vision instead.

  None of that had mattered, though.

  Someone had seen them. Someone had snitched.

  Well, tough shit. They didn’t have any proof that Evangeline was there. And, if Maddox had anything to say about it, it would stay that way. He wouldn’t let anyone take his mate away from him, not until they were formally bonded and the laws said they couldn't.

  He turned to tell Evangeline that she would have to stay put when the look on her face stole the words from him. His heart sank as he sniffed the air. Yup. That was panic, all right.

  And not all of it was coming from her.

  Maddox could tell that Evangeline was already regretting the charged moment that had just passed between them. She glanced at her hand as if she couldn’t believe it belonged to her, then forcefully crossed her arms over her chest. It was a shield, a barricade, and Maddox felt his erection deflate. To be so close to release at his mate’s hands and have it ripped away by an Ant—

  Maddox let loose a torrent of muttered curses and growls that said his wolf was in total agreement.

  Kill the Ant.

  Take his mate.

  Claim Evangeline.

  Good fucking plan.

  Maddox’s control had been shaky ever since he took Evangeline’s hand and placed it on his cock. The instant he sensed another man in his territory, the last of it snapped. His wolf was fully in charge as he leapt over the bed, got up, and pulled Evangeline into his arms.

  In the back of his mind, he remembered her sprained ankle and, using his strength, pressed her along his body while keeping her dangling just off the ground. With one arm around her waist and the other around her back, he breathed in her scent before doing something he’d been dying to do for three years.

  Slanting his mouth over hers, he pressed their lips together. Since he caught her off guard, her mouth was open slightly in surprise. He took total advantage of that.

  This was no gentle, coaxing kiss. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, drinking in her taste as he got inside of her the only way he could. He kissed her hungrily, so focused on the sensation that it took him a few seconds before he realized that she was actually responding.

  Evangeline was kissing him back.

  It was like no time had passed at all. The passion in her embrace as she relaxed in his arms before she gripped the material of his t-shirt and brought him even closer. The way she caressed his tongue, then pulled back to place small kisses to the corner of his lips before diving back in for more. She writhed against him, then started to climb him like he was a tree.

  It was only when she started to wrap her legs around his waist that Maddox remembered that, while she was his mate, she still didn’t believe him.

  Even if it seemed like her body knew exactly who he was.

  Before he lost his head entirely and threw her to the bed, Maddox pulled back. They were both panting. Evangeline’s cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen and red. She looked dazed and Maddox figured he did, too. Kissing his mate was like coming home at last. The fact that she kissed him back? He felt his bond stretching out toward her and, finally, he felt an answering tug coming from Evangeline.

  Hope flooded him. He leaned back in to steal another kiss when the doorbell rang, shattering the moment.

  His wolf grumbled deep inside his chest and the lust in Evangeline’s eyes cleared. She started to squirm in his arms, pushing against him.

  “Put me down,” she whispered.

  That husky, sex operator voice of hers shot straight to his cock, bringing it back to life. He felt his sac tighten but refused to give in to the temptation. Taking his time—and, okay, maybe he took advantage of their position to purposely rub his chest against her breasts once or twice—Maddox gently set her on the edge of the bed.

  She immediately put as much space between them as she could. As soon as she scooted to the other side, Evangeline used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  She stilled. “Don’t what?”

  “Don’t wipe me off of you. Not… not now. The wolf won’t like it.”

  Evangeline’s lips thinned. She dropped her hand, fire blazing in her eyes. “Screw the wolf.”

  Maddox stretched his hands. His claws shot out. “Don’t tempt the beast, Angie. One word from you, one sign you’d welcome him, and that’s exactly what would happen.”

  Talk about mixed signals. The acrid stench of fear filled the air, only overshadowed by the flood of arousal from between Evangeline’s legs. She was turned on, though she clearly didn’t want
to be.

  That was one of the only reasons why Maddox was able to calm down and force his shift back—

  The doorbell rang again.

  —and that was the other.

  He had to answer. He knew he did. If he wanted to allay any suspicions that he had Evangeline with him, he had to put on a show for the cops. But the last thing he wanted to do was leave his mate alone in this state. She was confused and upset and would be able to obsess over what had happened if he left her by herself.

  Time alone was the last thing he wanted her to have. Something told him that, if he did go, she might not be there when he came back. Maddox could already see the gears working in her head. She’d escape if he gave her the chance. He had no doubts. Sprained ankle and all.

  He had to find a way to make her stay put. And tying her to the bed was out of the question.

  Huffing angrily, Maddox ran his hands through his shaggy mane. “Stay here,” he told her, praying she would listen and knowing deep down that hell would freeze over first. “I mean it, Angie. I can’t be held responsible for my actions if you try to escape again.”

  He realized his mistake the second the words left his mouth. Horror filled her expression as she recoiled away from him, seeking sanctuary among the pillows at the head of the bed.

  Maddox rushed to reassure her. “No, no, no. Not you, Angie, never you. I would die before I hurt you, you gotta believe me. But that man out there—he’s gonna try to take you from me. You know I can’t let him. I’m… I’m hanging on by a thread here. If I have to worry about you running again, I don’t know what’ll happen out there.”

  It was low. He knew it was. His Angie had always been so compassionate, giving up everything she had for someone else. It was so fucking wrong of him to use her heart against her, but Maddox had to play any hand he was dealt. If it meant she stayed… it would be worth the look of resignation that dashed across her beautiful face.

  There wasn’t a single hint of her arousal lingering in the air any longer.

  “I’ll behave.”

  “That’s my girl.”